Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday Update

Hola! I am here at the radio station, and eating taco bell, hence the espanol. It has been a few good weeks for the resolutions. D'Paul and I went to the American Visionary Art Museum, and it was very cool. I think we'll probably go back. It was like someone concentrated Baltimore down and made it into a museum. Apparently we are sparkly and quite a kitschy little city, but you already knew that. Note: this counts for two categories, we went to the AVAM, and it was a planned date. Boom, accomplished.

Cosmic Galaxy Egg at the AVAM

Tomorrow I have a pin-up shoot with my wonderful Anna, so that will be another double accomplishment (both a photo shoot, and dressing up and feeling hot.) I am on vegetarian week now. But why, you ask, is it not the 10th of July already? It is, vegetarian week had to be pushed back this month; I just couldn't handle being a vegetarian on the 4th of July. I am eating a lot of fruit lately (more than I have in the first few months of the year) because it's actually available. It's easier in the summer when all the fruit I like is in season. If they were reasonably available and reasonably priced year round I'd have no trouble eating bunches of cherries, nectarines, and blueberries. On the clean room front I've been doing better. I did the major overhaul and since then things have been much more organized. It could all go to pot at any second, so I should do a little bit of clean up time in there tonight, picking things up that don't look like a mess, but could evolve into one at any moment. I still haven't done the Jam of the Week in awhile, but I am participating in the 30 day song challenge on facebook. I'll post all 30 songs when I get through the month. Oh! And D'Paul and I went out and played tennis yesterday! That's exercise!
