Ha. At least one of my resolutions wasn't to blog regularly....
Since last we spoke, here's how the resolutions have been going:
1. Jam of the Week
This has been almost completely abandoned. It's hard. Also, I'm too obsessed with podcasts to take the time to do this too. As for the podcasts, you should listen to the Rachel Maddow Show, Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, Doug Loves Movies, the Savage Lovecast, and Greg Proops' The Smartest Man in the World. DO IT.
2. Pin-Up Shoot
This is still happening. Twice. In a few weeks I'm having one done for fun. Then later this year the same photographer will be doing the poster for my graduate project. Maybe I'll write about how that's going. I probably won't remember.
3. Three NYC Trips
Did you know that travel takes money? Me neither! Hasn't happened yet. It might? Don't hold your breath.
4. Monthly Real Date with D'Paul
We're not good at planning. The closest we get to planning is buying a groupon, forgetting about it, and rushing to use it on a date the day before it expires. That counts as a plan, right?
5. Do weekly body work (meditation, yoga, dancing, stretching.)
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, about this one.....
So far in 2011, I have:
- run or worked out everyday for 8 days (once)
- gone out for a 2 mile run and quit after the first mile (once)
- run one 6K race without stopping (once)
- taken one Zumba class
- purchased 6 Xpose fitness classes, attended 0
This is pretty pathetic. That's about one month's worth of exercise, slightly longer if I actually took the Xpose classes. I should probably actually do this one.
6. Eat more vegetables
Nope. Probably less. But I do like asparagus now.
Actually, a re-examination of my plan says I've been far more successful with this one (sort of) than at first glance. Remember how I said I would take the first five days of each month and eat no meat? I've actually done that for the first 6 months of the year! Sidenote: it's undergone a bastardization though. Have I eaten meat at any time during vegetarian week? No. Have I gone through an entire vegetarian week eating minimal vegetables while eating carbs almost exclusively? Yes......
7. Go to the AVAM
Let's refer back to #4 and see how this will go. I bought a living social coupon for it. That coupon expires in July. I will probably go to the museum the day before it expires.
8. Dress up and feel hot.
Completely and totally achieved. I've been feeling cocky as hell. Because I am sexypants. So there.
9. Take an hour, once a week, and clean the apartment.
This one has been really hard because in order to clean the apartment, I would need to clean off this pile of crap that's laying around everywhere to actually find the apartment I wish to clean. Next question please.
10. Record a song
This was intended as a mid-season replacement resolution for when I failed at something else. D'Paul and I have talked about it. We'll see how it goes. I envision this happening in the fall, if ever.
11. Eliminate any of this as needed.
Done and done.