Eleven in 2011!
1. Jam of the week
I have found that when I'm walking around feeling good I tend to have a great song in my head. It provides a soundtrack to life, and keeps one moving at a buoyant pace. In 2011, I will adopt a new energetic awesome song to propel me through the week each week. If you want to know what it is at any given point, just ask.
2. Pin-Up Shoot
This one is already in the works! It's been awhile since I had my pin-ups taken, and it always makes me feel awesome. The photographer is manna sent from retro heaven, check out her work! I bought two single look shoots, and I'm taking the lovely and talented Anna Banana with me to shoot for the day. We will be gorgeous and have lots of fun, all while experiencing a lovely self-esteem boost.
3. Three NYC Trips
I already started this (because who doesn't want a leg up on the resolutions before the year even starts!) D'Paul and I spent the last two days in NYC. It did not go as planned at all! But we are a scrappy bunch, and we powered through any obstacles (customer service disasters, boots with missing soles in the slushy snow, and a thoroughly frocked schedule) and had fun anyway. I stayed in Maryland for damn near all year and NYC feels like a foreign country at this point. And with a foreign country so close, why shouldn't I visit more often!?! SO. Two more trips before 2011 ends.
4. Monthly real date with D'Paul
I'm in an excellent relationship and things are awesome. Hence, to avoid the creeping onset of complacency that befalls many long term relationships, we will plan at least one official date each month. We go out to eat dinner all the time. We never plan it. I figure, if we plan an adventure for Saturday the Sunday before, we'll have something to look forward to all week long. And I *might* remember to shave my legs. No promises.
5. Do weekly body work (dancing, stretching, yoga, meditation)
I'm laaaaaaazy, and that's bad. I have a reasonably lucky body structure and metabolism; this contributes to the laziness because I don't necessarily gain a thousand pounds when I eat like a mad-woman and lay around after the fact. And, yes, I have to admit, I feel better when I get up and move, after I begrudgingly do so. Therefore, I will dance more (which I like,) stretch more (which feels good regardless,) go to yoga (because it's obviously good for me even if it's THE HARDEST THING EXCEPT FOR RUNNING (which I'll also continue,)) and meditate (because the mind is also part of the body that deserves time and attention.) Bully for me.
6. Eat more vegetables
Yes, they are an important food group. No, not just potatoes.
7. Go to the AVAM
I have lived in Baltimore for 10 years (this coming August) and I've never been to the American Visionary Art Museum. It sounds great, and everyone I know loves it. I will go enrich my life. Maybe I can take D'Paul there on a date (and to Little Havana after!) See, everything is already coming together.
8. Dress up and feel hot
I have made great strides in being adorable in the last little bit. I have sexy 1960's Italian film noir femme bangs. I look great when I put forth effort. I should do that more often. It would help if my dear D'Paul loved me less when I have bed head and refuse to put on more than a t-shirt, but alas, he loves me just the same scruffy as beautiful. We all have a cross to bear. I'll just have to work on the superficial stuff on my own.
9. Take an hour, once a week, and clean the apartment (listen to jam of the week?)
My apartment is great! You'd never know it. It's modern but still homey, quite hip, and arranged very tastefully - and if I ever put anything away or vacuumed, you might see that. So, once a week I'll get up early and pick up a little so that cleaning doesn't ever turn into a task that requires bravery and a full day off of work.
10. Record a song
I like to sing. I'm pretty good. I have yet to get into a recording studio and lay anything down that will last forever so that I can show off to the grand-kids. At this point I have some home movies, and a recording of my recitals of questionable quality (the recordings are of questionable quality, not the recitals.) So, since I have a big music project coming up in the next year, I'll save some dollars and buy studio time. Nothing I've ever done requires a lot of musicians. It really should be quite achievable. I just have to freaking DO IT. So, I will.
11. Eliminate anything on the list as need be.
I will feel free to eliminate any of this that begins to stress me out. I have no need for that. In 2011 I need to relax and be good to myself. The moment that any of this is working counter to that ultimate goal, it goes away. I'm looking at you vegetables...
Wish Me Luck!